Specialised Studies
To help our clients realise the full potential of their investments, SandRose has the capability to carry out a number of studies, on our own or with partners, that accompany the project lifecycle. Where we lack specialist technical expertise, we will team up with a recognised international consulting firm to expand our range of analysis while ensuring the same high quality through adherence to good industry practices.
Feasibility Study
We appreciate that each project is unique and requires an adequate analysis of its conditions of feasibility to support a commercial decision or a permitting and planning process. Relying on its broad experience of project development, SandRose is capable, at an early stage, to analyse the merit of progressing a project further and its conditions of sustainability, resilience and success.
We develop feasibility studies which will compile in one document the critical elements that determine the feasibility of a project. This would typically include: a site assessment, a description of the project and its technology, the presentation of a preliminary layout and conceptual design, the findings from a number of infrastructure-specific, specialist studies, the results from the screening analysis of the project’s environmental and social impacts, the presentation of cost estimates and options, the results of a high level economic and financial analysis, and information on project lifecycle timeline, before offering our conclusions and recommendations.
The depth of specialist studies is project- and client-specific. It can go from reviewing existing studies to include their key findings in the feasibility study document to carrying out ourselves, or in association with a recognised international consulting firm, high-level to advanced analysis. Depending on the project circumstances, we will be able to advise on the best plan for studies, that is consistent with project timeline and risks, to avoid the need to redo studies and cost overruns.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
We possess extensive experience of delivering high-quality ESIA compliant with international lending requirements. We possess in-house expertise for assessment of biodiversity and critical habitats, noise, indigenous, displaced and vulnerable people, gender considerations, livelihood and economic and physical resettlement.
Our work is undertaken in full cognisance of the international lending requirements and the national framework. The Equator Principles, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards (PS), relevant World Bank Group General Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines and national legislation and regulations in relation to national environmental management and occupational health and safety would typically form this reference framework.

We excel in delivering high quality baseline surveys that are essential for identifying and managing risks successfully. We possess in-house expertise to cover a wide range of ecological assessments, including: critical habitat, avifauna, bats and rodents, mammals, herpetology, botanic, crustacean to name a few; socio-economic assessments including archaeology and cultural heritage, household survey and village inventory maps; as well as other baseline assessments such as: hydrology, geology, road traffic , air quality and background noise. Where a specific skill is needed, we can mobilise our network of local experts to assist a baseline assessment.
We implement extensive public consultations in line with our Stakeholder Engagement approach, from scoping stage throughout the ESIA process until disclosure. These public consultations are supported by information material, such as leaflets and posters, translated in local language. We are experienced with large-scale telephonic interviews.
Resettlement Action Plan and Livelihood Restoration Plan
Nationally and internationally, there is a growing pressure to develop projects in a socially responsible manner. In particular, internationally funded projects typically must adhere to international standards and be accountable to the lenders and auditors. Where relevant, the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank and other Development Financing Institutions require proper Resettlement Action Plan or Livelihood Restoration Plan as a condition for financing.
We fully appreciate that the processes of land access, resettlement and livelihood restoration often generate high community and government expectations, increasing the risk of speculative activities and influx, which can affect the timing and budget of a project. Impact on vulnerables and gender considerations are often critical issues to address with methodology, care and in a culturally appropriate manner. More than any other aspects of a project, these processes require the consultation and participation of affected communities and project interested parties. At SandRose, we implement stakeholder engagement in a timely and extensive fashion with the objective to build community trust.
Our experts are familiar with the gaps that often exist between national regulatory frameworks and the applicable international lending requirements. They possess a range of technical, environmental, social and financial competencies and a sound understanding of the legal contexts, that make us fully equipped to deliver high-quality resettlement and livelihood restoration documentation that have stakeholder adherence and support an efficient project implementation.
Village Land Use Plan
In rural settings, the uses of land may be organised by communities and local authorities through verbal and customary agreements, without any documentation to evidence and back them. They often rely on limited research and are therefore prone to deficiencies. On the other hand, it becomes more and more necessary for projects to support the establishment of a clear land use framework within the local administrative area where a project is situated, to enhance project integration within an existing environment and sometimes, to achieve some national legal requirements that would otherwise take much longer without the project’s support.

For example in some jurisdictions, a village land use plan is necessary for the national land authority to assign a specific land use to a site or grant land rights to an investor. However, due to financial constraints, rare are the villages that can fund themselves the preparation and approval process of their village land use plan; requiring therefore the project’s intervention and support to fast track these processes.
SandRose has experience in preparing village land use plan and can assist projects and villages achieve a mutually beneficial result of a project well-integrated within its social, economic and ecological environment. Through the implementation of a participatory, transparent and structured approach, we will seek inputs and participation of all relevant stakeholders (in particular the village community and the local government authority in change of land issues) to obtain the endorsement to the presented village land use plan by a large majority of the community and avoid conflicts. Our scope generally consists in preparing a village land use plan and at times, we may also be responsible for managing its approval process.