Integrated Project Development Services
Project development requires a range of expertise, methodology and project management systems, the knowledge of the local processes and stakeholders, and an anticipation of international stakeholder’s expectations, whether these are investors, lenders, an EPC company or NGOs.
We provide integrated project development services, bringing together a unique combination of competencies to address development efforts in a holistic manner. The exact scope of our project development services is tailored to each project and client’s needs and may include the activities below.
Project development services are led by its Managing Director Mr. Baptiste Bergès, supported by in-house project managers seasoned with the requirements of project development. At the present moment, SandRose can provide these services in Kenya and Tanzania but we are open to discussions to support projects in other countries, by replicating an approach successfully tested and proven on several projects over the last ten years.
Modularity, Flexibility and Continuity
We understand project development, its timeline, process and risks. The focus of our project development services is therefore to deploy resources that match project status and risks and support the client’s objectives in a cost-effective fashion.
The characteristics of our advisory services, which combine in-country and international expertise, complete experience of the development process, and a wide range of competencies, have enabled us to build a reputation of delivering results with efficiency. We place particular importance to professionalism excellency and integrity; which we trust has been a key reason to be given significant responsibilities in the assistance of our clients’ project development efforts over the years.
SandRose’s project development services combine modularity, flexibility and continuity. After analysing the project specifics, we will present a resource plan to achieve the objectives defined with our client. Typically, this will include an assurance of project development continuity through dedicated staff, the modular addition of specialist expertise from our range of experts if and when this may be needed, and a flexible contractual framework that allows to respond rapidly to project needs and uncertainty. Aware of the development risks our clients often face, our range of project management services are designed to offer cost-effective solutions, providing significant cost savings to the clients who give us recurrent, sizeable scope over long contractual periods.
Management System, Progress Meeting and Reporting
The satisfaction of our clients and partners is our first priority. A management system is essential to managing risks, delivering quality outcomes, monitoring progress, responding rapidly to evolving needs and maintaining effective communication internally and externally.
SandRose’s management system comprises a series of documents available to all staff. It has three objectives: assessing and managing risks, delivering high quality at every stage of a project and a commitment of continual improvement.
Practically, SandRose has a project organisational structure where a dedicated Project Manager is responsible for a project. The Project Manager will assure our work follows our “plan, carry out, check and adjust” approach. The Project Manager will report to a Team Leader, who will be responsible for quality assurance and output approvals. Progress meeting, internal and with our clients, will be typically conducted by phone call or videoconference on a regular basis. All relevant client and third-party engagement will be followed by the preparation of minutes of meetings or stakeholder engagement recording form.
A progress report will be sent to the client at agreed regular intervals, indicating the activities performed, the progress of each section of deliverables and pending/follow up points.
To monitor client satisfaction and define improvement opportunities, we conduct client satisfaction surveys, the conclusions of which are discussed annually and constitute the basis for the continuous improvement of our services.
Our Integrated Project Development Services Include:
Project Administration, Document Control, Project Co-ordination
All our project development service assignments include a component of project administration, document control and project coordination, which are essential components to the efficient delivery of our scope.
Our tasks include: the development and maintenance of the project library (or project dataroom), recording and filing of project documents, preparing and updating project development schedule, co-ordination of project development activities, planning and tracking resources and time, preparing and reviewing budgets, recording project costs and preparing project expense reports, maintenance of issue logs, and managing internal and external communication.
Risk Management
From a concept idea to a delivered project, road can be long and uncertain. Acknowledging that risks are part of the process of developing projects, our services include a thorough process to manage risks. At the onset, we will develop a risk register using our comprehensive project development experience. It will be complemented by a Risk Management Plan that will be reviewed and approved by our client and will guide how we address risks during the implementation of our project development services.
We will define with our client what risks can be handled by SandRose directly and what ones will require decisions outside our mandate that will be taken by our client. As the project development efforts pursue their course, we will update the project risk register by regularly reviewing the status of existing ones, screening new risks, analysing and prioritising them and proactively defining responses to avoid or mitigate risks and help the project remain on track. We communicate about risks, internally during our project meeting, and with our client. The risk register is an integral part of the deliverables to our clients and an element of the project progress report.
Land Access
Our experience in land access in sub-Saharan Africa is widely spread for individual sites and linear infrastructures (such as roads and transmission lines). Our services typically include: engagement with land owners and Project Affected Persons (PAPs), designing and maintaining a database for land owners and PAPs, carrying out or managing studies and any surveying efforts required, managing legal advice and working with land authorities, and local and national government, to secure the land rights for the project.
Permitting and Licensing
SandRose provides technical, strategic and implementation services to ensure an expeditious process in obtaining the required permits and licences for a project on time.
We possess the expertise and experience to efficiently manage the permitting and licensing processes for utility-scale renewable energy projects in Kenya and Tanzania. Building on this experience, we are capable to support permitting and licensing processes for other sectors and countries. Typically, this would involve an analysis of the legal and regulatory requirements for a given project, followed by our management of the processes to secure these permits and licenses. It is anticipated, that regardless of the geographical location of a project or the sector, primary licenses and permits included in our scope may include the following processes:
▪ Letter of no-objection / support from relevant ministries
▪ ESIA license
▪ Permit(s) associated with land matters such as change of land use classification (for example from agricultural to industrial)
▪ Development / construction permit
▪ Operation license (such as an electricity generation license for a power plant). Where required, we may carry out these services in combination with a legal advisory firm