Land Securement For 100 MW Singida Wind Farm Project

SandRose managed the land securement for a 100 MW utility-scale wind farm project developed by Anergi in Singida, Tanzania.

In an initial stage, we prepared the land securing strategy for the project (including converting land from village to general land) to comply with Tanzanian legal requirements and the IFC Performance Standards. The objective was twofold: to maximise wind energy production and minimise environmental and social impacts.

We then managed the surveying of project area with local government for inclusion in town plan, and mapped the environmental, social, cultural and technical constraints across the project area, including land uses, in order to provide the necessary inputs to design the optimised layout that would deliver the two above-mentioned objectives.

With the support of a Community Liaison Officer, our role also encompassed stakeholder engagement and  we organised a large number of public meetings and project progress meetings with village, ward and district authorities. Critically, we carried out risk monitoring all throughout our engagement on issues such as land use changes and influx of people, and managed this risk in  collaboration with local government.


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