Country-Wide Mapping Of Utility-scale Wind and Solar PV Project Opportunities In Tanzania
SandRose was appointed to carry out country-wide site-finding and analysis of utility scale wind and solar PV projects for several countries of Africa.
The first step consisted in the identification and ranking of candidate sites based on constraint mapping including environmental and social sensitive areas, population density, land coverage and various other parameters (wind / solar energy resource, site capacity, distance to airport and military areas, high voltage network, road network, major radio communication system, terrain slope).
In a second step, we carried out site verification to validate/refine the results of the desk-based site identification analysis. It included the Environmental and Social Screening for several wind and solar project options. This refined analysis included:
- Site visit.
- Engagement with local authorities and relevant land, energy, water and environment officers.
- Analysis of land uses, land ownership, environmental, social and cultural characteristics of each project site area, GIS mapping of site constraints.
- Risk analysis and recommendations on site suitability.